Move in with my boyfriend
B- Bravest thing iv'e done
Drive a car
C- chore I hate
Washing the pots
D- dream i had
Having a fit at a swimming pool and then watching two monsters fight ...
E- essential start to the day
F- fear off
unexplainable noises
G- geographical location that's important to me
My old house
H- home
Long Sutton, in the middle of nowhere basically
Evelyn my boyfriends mum, random but she's the kinda mum I want to be.
J-journey -my best ever
Going to my boyfriends house mainly because of the random conversations we have
K- kick ass music track
It would be Eminem - shake that ass
L-Long for
The weeeekend
I have many but ill just say Bridget Jones Diary
O-outrageous behaviour
Well when drunk I do many things that in the morning I wish I hadent ......
I did have a dwarf hamster called Milky but she died last week :'(
Q- quote from a movie
Its not a movie it was from LA ink but its fear is just a feeling it can never kill you
R-recreational activity
S- siblings
My brother Richard who's 19
T- television
Family Guy
U-undercover - what you didn't know about me
Im engaged to my Boyfriend
V-va va voom - who gets your engine running
My boyfriend
W- what makes me stop and stare
Radom things whether people have said or done.
X- what make me (x)
Some comments that people make either rude or insulting.
Y- yummy, what i like to eat the most
Mcdonalds, nom.
Z- zzzzzzzz, what makes me sleep
Being a nice warm bed with my boyfriend lay next to me
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