Sunday 6 October 2019


  • Choose 5 letters and 2 numbers from both serif font and non-serif font.   (these could be from your name/date of birth or just randomly selected), try to get a range of different characteristics in the letters/numbers - curved, straight, open, contained spaces etc.  
  • Find your examples from a range of sources - e.g. Font websites (see links in project brief below), magazines, newspapers. 
  • Produce at least 2 ( more if possible) linear A3 compositions that show varied scale and compositions- at least  one  using serif font and one using non-serif font.  You will use these to work with differing processes and techniques. 
  • Aim to have a range of large bold font rather than, thin script as these tend to work better in compositions.   Use tracing paper to transfer these onto your paper.  

  • Jasper Johns 
    • You should also complete 2 pages of research into the letter/number inspired works of Jasper Johns - try to find a range of his images in this style, so ideally some drawings/prints and some paintings.
    • As always with research consider layout carefully, keep pages busy and visually stimulating. The written content is also important, provide a brief section of background information about the Artist, but make sure you go on to analyse individual works in some detail.

    You will need an A3 sketchbook for this new project. Either softback stapled @£3 (you might fill 2 of these) or hardback ringbound @£8 (one should do it).