Thursday, 3 May 2012

LIFE CYCLES 1st YEAR BTEC WEEK 1 Complete the following by next Monday 10. Produce 12 pages of initial research based on the following:
·       Choose 2 life cycles to brainstorm in depth.  Produce in-depth brainstorms that explore these themes in extremely lateral fashions.  They should be detailed and involve lots of variety and be an exciting range of ideas and thoughts that move in varying directions -more the better.  They don’t need to be pretty but rather an abundance of possibilities.
·       Produce a visual mood board for the 2 life cycles which shows a range of ideas in response to your brainstorm.  This can have found imagery, objects, surfaces, photographs, quick drawings magazines, as well as internet imagery
·       Choose 1 life cycle to concentrate upon for your leaflet  pick out and develop a concept in much more detail.  You should list every detail of one idea and absolutely everything that relates to this. 
·       Bring an object/s in for Ivan’s lesson to do a sustained drawing from Thursday onwards.
·       List 3 lyrics and 3 phrases that go with this idea, research further sayings, poems, slang or appropriate words that might be useful.
·       Produce 15 thumbnail sketches that show ideas for your first photoshoot.  Jot down possibilities and use extreme viewpoints to generate a plan of ideas.
·       Take 15 photographs of your idea using props, models , lighting and location in inventive ways.
·         Print out images in thumbnail and select 5 for working from next week.

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